Forums & Summits
Summit on Reclaiming Education as a Public Good: Organizing for Action - August 24, 2024, 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m., at Adams County Government Center in Brighton. The event features nationally recognized keynote speakers Diane Ravitch and Jack Schneider. There will also be panel discussions with Colorado education experts and opportunities to work in coalition on addressing the current threats to public education, including privatization, the 2024 ballot issues, and more.
Forum on the School Privatization Playbook - March 24, 2024, featuring Amy Frogge, speaking about the national school privatization “playbook” that has been operating in Tennessee, Colorado, and many other states across the nation.
Forum on Schoolhouse Burning - February 25, 2024, featuring Derek Black, sharing his views on public education and democracy from his book Schoolhouse Burning: Public Education and the Assault on American Democracy.
Forum on Accountability Data: These Numbers Don't Lie - February 4, 2025, featuring research done by Dr. Paula Noonan.
Forum on Fair Testing - January 21, 2024, featuring Ilana Spiegel and Harry Feder from FairTest, sharing more equitable ways to assess the education of all students.
Forum on Privatization - January 5, 2023, featuring a presentation by Charles Siler, consultant with Network for Public Education, explaining why this former lobbyist for school privatizers changed his mind when he learned what is really going on with promoters of charter schools.
Summit on Redesigning Accountability - August 21, 2022, featuring a keynote by Dr. Dorothy Shapland-Rodriguez, professor at Metro State University, and panelists on the detriments of high-stakes testing and the test-based state educational accountability system; update on Adams 14; and A4PEP's draft plan to redesign state accountability.
Forum on Privatization - April 3, 2022, featuring Donald Cohen, founder and executive director of the research and policy center In the Public Interest, speaking about his book The Privatization of Everything: How the Plunder of Public Goods Transformed America and How We Can Fight Back.
Forum on the Negative Impact of School Choice - February 20, 2022, featuring Wagma Mommandi, M.Ed, and Dr. Kevin Welner from School of Education at the University of Colorado Boulder, based on their book School’s Choice: How Charter Schools Control Access and Shape their Enrollment.
Forum on Reclaiming Public Schools - August 18, 2021, featuring Keron Blair, the National Director of the Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools.
Forum on the “Big Test Mess” in Education - July 24, 2021, featuring Professor Patty Limerick from Center for the American West and Professor Nicholas Lemann, author of "The Big Test, The Secret History of the American Meritocracy."
Forum on Shining a Light on Dark Money in Public Education - June 12, 2021, featuring Lisa Graves, a nationally recognized expert on the influence of special interests and dark money.
Forum on Effects of the “Education Reform” Movement on the Underserved Student - January 11, 2020, featuring Dr. Lorenzo A. Trujillo, Assistant Dean and Professor of Law at the University of Colorado Law School.
Forum on Corporate Education and the Demise of Democracy - October 10, 2019, featuring Angela Engel, author of Seeds of Tomorrow: Solutions for Improving Our Children’s Education, and the collaborative book project Fixing Public Education.
Summit on Defending Public Education: Building a Statewide Coalition to Keep Public Schools Public - March 10, 2019, discussing strategies for successful organizing, effective messaging to combat the corporate language of the “reformers,” and planning for action.